Brenden Lowe
Forum Replies Created
Hey Corey,
Thanks for the question. Sorry for the delay. We had to make a little fix on the news feed here. Yes these would simply be ireal pro backing tracks. Eventually we’ll probably integrate the tracks into the site but ireal pro is great for now.
Brenden Lowe
AdministratorApril 9, 2024 at 4:57 pm in reply to: Starting with the Blues Specialty CourseSure Corey! Sounds like a great idea. You’re totally welcome to dive into any specialty topics you want to move faster towards that sound if that’s what you desire in your playing. Sounds like a good idea.
Brenden Lowe
AdministratorApril 2, 2024 at 8:49 pm in reply to: Where to focus my time on this site for solo piano?Hi Cindy,
Fantastic question!
This is something I’m going to be redoing this year inside of JPS. I’m working hard to get this done before I get married in June!
Currently if you’re looking to focus on solo piano I would say the best place to go is to the Solo Piano System specialty course, inside the specialty course area. You can find this on the LH side of the dashboard or in the menu on mobile.
The main course curriculum does have LOTS of solo piano info but it is tied in with other goals such as comping, improv, group playing and other stuff so like you said it does overlap.
The new area and philosophy I’ll be building out soon will focus on 3 goals I believe are the true cornerstones to quick progress.
#1 – Comping or accompaniment for the goal of playing in a band
#2 – Solo Piano
#3 – ImprovThose will be coming later but for now follow my advice above.
Hope this helps! Keep me posted on your progress and thanks for engaging with the community and asking your question here. -
Brenden Lowe
AdministratorFebruary 8, 2024 at 8:47 am in reply to: Lack of Completion Indicator on Navigation SidebarThanks for the feedback Luke. I really like this idea. I’ll add this to list of developments. We have some other higher priority things we’re working on upgrading but we’ll get to this for sure. Thank you for the suggestion.
Brenden Lowe
AdministratorApril 26, 2024 at 9:57 am in reply to: How do you make your melody lines shine?That sounds like you’re right on track! Ballads, slow swing and medium and up will greatly effect this process as well. I recommend starting with ballads to get the hang of it.
Brenden Lowe
AdministratorApril 17, 2024 at 9:36 am in reply to: How do you make your melody lines shine?Yes completely agree with what Suzanna said! This would have been my first suggestion! Also, less in the LH, simply holding down chords will really help bring out the harmonies more, rather than playing a lot of short rhythmic comps.
Brenden Lowe
AdministratorApril 17, 2024 at 9:34 am in reply to: Improv exercises to get better fast!Thanks for sharing this Roger! I appreciate your support and I’m glad you’re highlighting this area of the Improvisation Mastery Specialty Course for others. Thanks again for the post.
Brenden Lowe
AdministratorApril 3, 2024 at 9:33 am in reply to: Where to focus my time on this site for solo piano?My pleasure!
Hey Richard,
Great question!
Do you know your rootless voicings?
You can usually comp the last 4 measures of a song, or just a simple 1-3-2-5 as an intro. I still do this in lots of my gigs for intros and it works like a charm everytime.
Also what @david.dennis said!
My pleasure Paul! I’ll keep you updated on more changes as we go.
Hi Paul,
This should be updated now.
Please check out the link below.
We’ll continue to make more updates and please continue to make suggestions.
Hi Paul,
That is actually being worked on as I speak! Should have this going before the next Tune of The Month sessions starting next Wednesday!
Until then, you can view the new sessions on the dashboard under Upcoming Events which will be changed out by the end of the day.Thanks for asking!
We’re upgrading A LOT of things and this is at the top of the list right now.
Thanks for posting this David! Yes lots of different types of changes to every tune, and learning them all is always the best choice.
Brenden Lowe
AdministratorFebruary 23, 2024 at 10:28 am in reply to: Voiceleading Triads – moving between root and inversionsHI Domenico,
I would try to learn the shapes of the chords as best as possible through the numbers without reading. The less you have to read the practice exercises to practice, the faster you’ll get better.
Try to anchor the inversions by knowing where the chord tones are in the chord. for example 1st inversion is 351. Trying to spot where the root is on top always helps then building down. But also whatever helps you memorize. Lots of repetitions are good. Practice these until about 75% because the 7th chords are much more important.
Hi Suzanna,
Can you elaborate a little more on what you mean by Voicing Vamps?
A vamp is usually a repeated set of chord changes. Is that what you’re referring to?