All Register Comping Textures
Select a lesson below to start your journey.

It’s easy to get stuck in one place on the piano while comping. But the fact is, the entire should be used for comping but what do we play in each register?
In this course you’ll learn the voicings and textures that should be utilized in each register.
Focus Points:
- Comping voicings
- Comping textures
- Register comping
All Register Comping Textures
Select a lesson below to start your journey.

It’s easy to get stuck in one place on the piano while comping. But the fact is, the entire should be used for comping but what do we play in each register?
In this course you’ll learn the voicings and textures that should be utilized in each register.
Focus Points:
- Comping voicings
- Comping textures
- Register comping