Improvisation Lego Building Blocks
Select a lesson below to start your journey.

To learn how to analyze transcriptions and improvisation in order to extract small snippets of jazz language.
I call these “Improv Legos”. By learning Improv Lego building blocks you will be able to understand, connect, and execute jazz improvisation more efficiently and fluidly so that you’re playing from the heart.
Focus Points:
- Analyzing Jazz Solos
- Extracting snippets to practice
- Learning jazz improv language
Improvisation Lego Building Blocks
Select a lesson below to start your journey.

To learn how to analyze transcriptions and improvisation in order to extract small snippets of jazz language.
I call these “Improv Legos”. By learning Improv Lego building blocks you will be able to understand, connect, and execute jazz improvisation more efficiently and fluidly so that you’re playing from the heart.
Focus Points:
- Analyzing Jazz Solos
- Extracting snippets to practice
- Learning jazz improv language