My Lesson Plans



George Lopez Due 02/16/25 (Repeat)

Lesson Plan:

TOPIC #1 - Reharm Comping Exercises

Step #1 – Comp through 2-5-1’s using all tritone movements to lead into the chords. 2 beats per chord.
Step #2 – Comp through using diminished to lead into minor 2 with above patterns.
Step #3 – Use sus on on 5 chord then resolve to V7 then 1 beat for the tritone moving into the 1 chord.
Step #4 – Use sus on Tritone then use above exercise.

Topic #2 - Drop 2's

Step #5 – Practice drop 2’s up and down minor 7th inversions through keys.

TOPIC #2 - Day by Day

Step #5 – Integrate Progression movements from above as best you can.
A. Continue to use all 4 zones for comping and textural differences.
B. Integrate Single short comps and single holds
C. Repetative rhythmic patterns.
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