My Lesson Plans



Chris English Due 01-26-25

Lesson Plan:

TOPIC #1 - Minor 7th drop 2's

Step #1 – Practice your minor 7th drop 2’s through keys up and down inversions. Go at any tempo for accuracy.

TOPIC #2 - That's All

Step #2 – Try to phrase melody in different ways no to give your hands more space to provide some broken movements.
Step #3 – Try to integrate some feathering of your chords know to keep tempo.
Step #4 – Check out harmonic areas I mention in video.
Step #5 – Walk up into bridge
Step #6 – Intro and outro.
Step #7 – Tritone movements.

TOPIC #3 - Balld Improv

Step #8 – Subdivide rhythm by 16ths, triplets, 8ths and quarters in time. LH can play half notes or stride feel as you were doing.
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