Step #2 – The Blues, Part 1

Stage 1 | Lesson: 13 | Step 2 - (Theory) The blues is an amazing style and form that we’re going to be learning in this step. The blues is the oldes…

Step #1 – Minor 2-5-1 Progression

Stage 1 | Lesson: 13 | Step 1 - (Theory) In this step we’ll be working on minor 2-5-1 harmony. Minor 2-5-1 harmony gives students a lot of trouble b…

Step #1 – 2-5-1 Progression

Stage 1 | Lesson: 12 | Step 1 - (Theory) The 2-5-1 progression is the most popular harmonic progression you will find in jazz. That makes this step ve…

Step #1 – Minor Major 7th Chords

Stage 1 | Lesson: 10 | Step 1 - (Theory) The minor major 7th chord is a gorgeous type of chord that will be found at the end of a minor 2-5-1. It crea…

Step #2 – Diatonic Modes

Stage 1 | Lesson: 10 | Step 2 - (Theory) Diatonic modes is a topic that usually makes students cringe and sometimes quit jazz piano. Why do we need th…

Step #1 – V-I Resolutions

Stage 1 | Lesson: 11 | Step 1 - (Theory) V-I resolutions are one of the most important harmonic progression in jazz. You’re going to see this moveme…

Step #1 – Minor 7th Chords

Stage 0 | Lesson: 07 | Step 1 - (Theory) To create a minor seventh chord, you will take a dominant seventh chord and lower the third, also known as th…

Step #2 – Minor 7th Intervals

Stage 0 | Lesson: 07 | Step 2 - (Theory) Minor seventh chords are four-part chords made up of stacked major and minor thirds. They are characterized b…

Step #3 – Minor 7th Symbols

Stage 0 | Lesson: 07 | Step 3 - (Theory) There are multiple ways to label a minor seventh chord using chord symbols. By familiarizing ourselves with t…
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