Step #2 – b5 Pentatonic Scale

Stage 4 | Lesson: 37 | Step 2 - (Theory) The b5 pentatonic scale is going to produce an almost an identical sound to that of the lydian mode. That is …

Step #3 – Modes In 4ths

Stage 4 | Lesson: 37 | Step 3 - (Technique) This particular interval practice is going to be extremely useful for improvisation purposes because lots …

Step #4 – Minor 4th Voicings

Stage 4 | Lesson: 37 | Step 4 - (Theory) The minor 4th voicing setup is one of the most popular modern jazz voicing you can find. Often these are also…

Step #5 – 4th Voicing Movements

Stage 4 | Lesson: 37 | Step 5 - (Theory) 4th voicing movements are going to be very important when comping and creating a modern sound. This step will…

Step #2 – Major Extensions Lick

Stage 4 | Lesson: 36 | Step 2 - (Technique) I love the sound that this major extensions line creates because after a 2-5-1 it still provides tension e…

Step #3 – Modes In 3rds

Stage 4 | Lesson: 36 | Step 3 - (Technique) Practicing your modes in 3rds is going to be extremely useful for a number of different reasons. 3rds are …

Step #5 – Major 7th Extension

Stage 4 | Lesson: 36 | Step 5 - (Theory) Now we’re working on isolating the major 7th extensions. Thank goodness there is not as many as the dominan…

Step #6 – #2 Pentatonic Improv

Stage 4 | Lesson: 36 | Step 6 - (Improvisation) Using the #2 pentatonic scale for improv can be combined with blues lines or simply used separately. E…
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