
This Black Friday Offer for our lowest offered Lifetime Elite Status and Bonuses closes in...


Black Friday Offer Expires In...


Get our Biggest Discount Yet on Lifetime Access To All Courses Inside of Jazz Piano School and...

The lowest price on our brand new Specialty Course called,
Improvisation Mastery : Beginner to Pro and Everything In Between


...a free ticket into my new 2 Week Online Improvisation Bootcamp Masterclass and so much more!

(Watch the video to learn all the juicy details about our best offer of the year!)

Play Video

Because of the free access ticket into my new online 2 week Bootcamp Masterclass, we're only accepting 100 new people to join today before this Black Friday offer ends.

Black Friday 2022 Offer Expires in...

Spots Filled Out of 100



Normally a Lifetime Elite access membership which grants you access to EVERYTHING inside of Jazz Piano School and EVERYTHING we release in the future costs $2,997.

But, in celebration of our brand new jazz piano Playbooks launching, and Black Friday, we decided to put together this extremely rare, and special offer for you.


Here's what you'll receive today with our BIGGEST Black Friday offer yet...

#1 - Lifetime Access To Our 6 Stage Success Path Curriculum That Makes Learning Crystal Clear

(Value $2,997)

700+ lesson and practice videos, organized into 6 stages that allow you to finally follow a clear, step-by-step road map without guessing and wasting your time searching endlessly for the information you want.


Inside The 6 Stage Success Path Curriculum

600+ Lesson Videos On Any Device

(Two Keyboard View With Note Names)

Step-By-Step Learning Throughout

(Absolutely no guessing at what to do next!)

6 Stage Level Access

(Designed For All Skill Levels)

Journey or Library Learning Paths

(Follow our popular Journey Path or jump around)


Over 3400 Practice Exercises

(Specific exercises for every step of the way)

Over 640 Pages of Workbook Exercises

(Writing helps you learn 10x faster!)

Over 500 Pages of Lesson Text

(Study and read about the concepts anywhere)


Private JPS Freedom Learner Community

(Get help, feedback, & support from members)


Black Friday Offer Summary

- Lifetime Access to Our 700+ Video, Success Path Curriculum

value $2,997



LIFETIME Access To Our Lab Area

(Value $997)

The Lab Area contains quick and innovative ways for you to learn small, bite sized, miscellaneous bits of jazz piano education so that you can easily learn and implement into your own playing to see the progress you want.

Mini Courses

Gig Analysis


Improv Analysis

Tune Analysis

Q & A Archives

Live Events

Live Archive


(All 21 Mini Courses Included in Jazz Piano School Lab)

These mini courses are meant to give you easy and clear education that you can implement quickly to make progress. They're not long and drawn out and they're very simple to learn and apply. These are our 9 most popular. Pick and choose the ones you want or become a monthly member and get access to over 20+ mini courses.


The 14-Day Jazz Standard

Learn a systematic process that will teach you exactly what steps you should be going taking every time you learn a new tune. 

Retail Price:


Included with Black Friday Offer


The Complete Voicing Strategy Part 1

Stop copying random voicings and follow an organized and structured voicing plan to successfully implement into your playing!

Retail Price:


Included with Black Friday Offer


How To Use Upper Structure Triads To Add Extensions

Start creating the ultimate jazz sound by using upper structure triads and extensions to quickly bring color to your voicings!

Retail Price:


Included with Black Friday Offer


6 Must Know Voicings & Setups To Comp Effectively

These 6 voicings & setups will give you the exact structures you need to ensure you’re getting a rich lush sound every time.

Retail Price:


Included with Black Friday Offer


4 Must Know Reharms To Reharm Like a Pro

The 4 most important reharms you need to learn to start reharmonizing melodies, chords, and tunes like a pro.

Retail Price:


Included with Black Friday Offer


The Bebop Improvisation

Learn the simple equation of Bebop Improvisation that can be quickly learned through the clear steps in this mini-course.

Retail Price:


Included with Black Friday Offer


How To Start Improvising
With Chord Tones

Start having fun with improvisation today! Learn how the most important foundation element to set your improv up for success!

Retail Price:


Included with Black Friday Offer


The Two Hand Voicing Building System

Learn the systematic process for creating amazing sounding two hand voicings in all registers that can be used on any tune!

Retail Price:


Included with Black Friday Offer



(with new ones added and updated)

Retail Price:


Included with Black Friday Offer


Black Friday 2022 Offer Summary

- Lifetime Access to Our 700+ Video, Success Path Curriculum

value $2,997

BONUS #1 - Lifetime Access To The JPS Lab

value $997



(Brand NEW Release...Like...Today!)

Lifetime Access To Playbooks And All Playbooks Released in the Future

($970 value)

These Playbook Courses are meant to deliver a compact, easy and fast way of learning the crucial step by step learning items needed to excel at different jazz categories. The learning lessons contained in these Playbook Courses will help you see the full path in order to master each topic as well as provide you with the MOST important education so that you're not wasting any time when making progress.


The Styles Playbook

One single tune can take on a number of different stylistic approach? Learn what to choose and how to execute inside.

Retail Price:


Included with Black Friday Offer


The Improvisation Playbook

Improvisation can feel nebulous, confusing and overwhelming. Find out the necessary and simple steps needed to master improv.

Retail Price:


Included with Black Friday Offer


The Extensions & Colors

Extensions in jazz are like colors to a painter. Learn how to create amazing jazz sounds and atmospheres inside.

Retail Price:


Included with Black Friday Offer


The Ear Training Playbook

Ear training doesn’t have to be difficult and boring and you certainly don’t need to be able to hear everything. Here’s why.

Retail Price:


Included with Black Friday Offer


The Blues Playbook

Want to create that gritty, soulful, dirty sound of the blues in your playing on command when you sit down to play?

Retail Price:


Included with Black Friday Offer


The Ballads Playbook

The intimate and slow atmosphere created by the ballads are extremely alluring. Here’s how to perfect them in your playing.

Retail Price:


Included with Black Friday Offer


The Voicings Playbook

Want to learn how to create your OWN voicings with a systematic process that you can use forever? Find out how inside.

Retail Price:


Included with Black Friday Offer


The Solo Piano Playbook

Solo piano can seem like rocket science because of all the hats we need to wear. Here’s exactly what you need to focus on.

Retail Price:


Included with Black Friday Offer


The Practice Playbook

Isn’t it terrifying to think you may be wasting time and getting worse with your practice? Let’s put an end to that right now.

Retail Price:


Included with Black Friday Offer


The Reharms Playbook

Reharms are great for making tunes your own or spicing up changes, but how do you do it? Learn it all inside.

Retail Price:


Included with Black Friday Offer


The Comping Playbook

Interested in playing with a group or comping for yourself in solo piano? Find out everything you need to know inside.

Retail Price:


Included with Black Friday Offer


Black Friday 2022 Offer Summary

- Lifetime Access to Our 700+ Video, Success Path Curriculum

value $2,997

BONUS #1 - Lifetime Access To The JPS Lab

value $997

BONUS #2 - Lifetime Access To All Playbooks & Future Playbooks

value $970



Lifetime Access To All Specialty Courses and All Future Specialty Courses To Be Released

($1,997 value)

These mid-sized courses are for hyper focused learning on the nagging topics that we all seem to need more help with. These courses also target the topics that aren't quite necessary to learn how to play jazz but are of interest to some students. They dig deep, provide you with organized strategies and methods you can implement immediately, and ultimately help you get fast results.


How to Crush The Blues Like The Pros

Do you love the blues but struggle to get that actual gritty, dirty, soulful sound that you’re looking for? Look no further.

Retail Price:


Included with Black Friday Offer


Vocal Accompaniment

Want to provide solid, interesting and lush support to vocalists, and soloists? This specialty course will do just that and more.

Retail Price:


Included with Black Friday Offer


My Top Ten Most Successful Jazz Piano Systems

Get the 20% of Brenden’s most successful education systems will provide 80% of the results you’re looking to achive.

Retail Price:


Included with Black Friday Offer


The Bill Evans Arranging System

Learn the two hand voicings, harmonies, movements, solo piano style, LH voicings, RH improv and more of the great Bill Evans.

Retail Price:


Included with Black Friday Offer


The Jazz Piano School Solo Piano System

Want to improve your solo piano method and learn how to quickly play new, lush sounding jazz standards with ease?

Retail Price:


Included with Black Friday Offer


The Secrets to Playing Ballads & Love Songs

Are you a ballad lover? Discover the hidden secrets that the pro use to arrange ballads and make them sound beautiful!

Retail Price:


Included with Black Friday Offer


Complete Christmas Jazz
(For All Levels)

Who doesn’t want to play Christmas Jazz? Learn all the classic Christmas Jazz Standards you need to wow at the holidays!

Retail Price:


Included with Black Friday Offer


Easily Play Stride & Ragtime Piano Like A Pro

Interested in the older styles of jazz piano? Up your stride and ragtime piano today with this brand new specialty course!

Retail Price:


Included with Black Friday Offer


Black Friday 2022 Offer Summary

- Lifetime Access To The Full, 6 Stage, Success Path Curriculum

value $2,997

BONUS #1 - Lifetime Access To The JPS Lab

value $997

BONUS #2 - Lifetime Access To All Playbooks & Future Playbooks

value $970

BONUS #3 - Lifetime Access To All Specialty Courses & Future Specialty Courses

value $1,997



Practice Secrets Masterclass

($970 value)

These mid-sized courses are for hyper focused learning on the nagging topics that we all seem to need more help with. These courses also target the topics that aren't quite necessary to learn how to play jazz but are of interest to some students. They dig deep, provide you with organized strategies and methods you can implement immediately, and ultimately help you get fast results.


What good is education if you don't know how to efficiently practice and integrate it into your playing?

Here's What You'll Learn

and so much more...


Black Friday 2021 Offer Summary

- Lifetime Access To The Full, 6 Stage, Success Path Curriculum

value $2,997

BONUS #1 - Lifetime Access To The JPS Lab

value $997

BONUS #2 - Lifetime Access To All Playbooks & Future Playbooks

value $970

BONUS #3 - Lifetime Access To All Specialty Courses & Future Specialty Courses

value $1,997

BONUS #4 - Practice Secrets Masterclass

value $997



Improvisation Bootcamp Masterclass

($497 value)


Would you be surprised if I told you becoming a pro jazz piano improviser can be taught in 11 lessons?

I know I would...but don't be...because that's exactly what this is.

In this NEWLY filmed, unseen, 11 lesson, improvisation bootcamp masterclass, I cover absolutely everything...and I mean EVERYTHING, you MUST know and learn to become a pro jazz piano improviser in your lifetime.

And heck, even if you don't want to be a pro, but you just want to get better so you can impress yourself or friends and family...then you still ABSOLUTELY need everything in this bootcamp. 

I've also taught all the information in this improvisation bootcamp masterclass at universities and schools for thousands of dollars but it's yours completely free with the Black Friday special. 

Here's What You'll Learn

and so much more...


Black Friday 2022 Offer Summary

- Lifetime Access To The Full, 6 Stage, Success Path Curriculum

value $2,997

BONUS #1 - Lifetime Access To The JPS Lab

value $997

BONUS #2 - Lifetime Access To All Playbooks & Future Playbooks

value $970

BONUS #3 - Lifetime Access To All Specialty Courses & Future Specialty Courses

value $1,997

BONUS #4 - Practice Secrets Masterclass

value $997

BONUS #5 - Improvisation Bootcamp Masterclass

value $497



Lifetime Support & Private JPS Community Access

Yes, that means you can ask us questions for the REST of your life. Go ahead and bother us...I dare you 🙂

(This opportunity is absolutely priceless, but if you have to put a number to it...minimum would be a $1,997 value)

I consider this to be the best bonus out of all of them.

Imagine being able to join a community of highly skilled, collegiate level jazz piano professors, motivating and inspiring members, and get education from all of them for the rest...of...your...life.

Sounds too good to be true right?...Think again.

Most students studying with a private jazz piano teacher pay monthly, weekly or per lesson. When the student stops paying guess what?! No more learning. Stinks doesn't it! 
Same thing happens at schools and colleges. You pay thousands and THOUSANDS of dollars and attend the school then graduate. After you're done, your learning is OVER.  Maybe...just MAYBE, you've built a strong connection with a professor. Enough to be able to contact them to ask questions. But even so, you know they're swamped with other work and have to prioritize their own students. Not someone who graduated years ago. But what if...you could make one SMALL investment and get education, help, support motivation and inspiration for the REST of your life.  Now THAT...is worth it's weight in GOLD.  If I had this opportunity for any of my personal hobbies I'm currently interested in, I would buy the lifetime help and support in seconds. And lucky for you, that's exactly what we're offering you here in Bonus #6...completely FREE.

Lifetime support from our team of professional Jazz Piano School Coaches

Sterling Cozza

JPS Instructor - Undergrad Degree From Eastman School of Music. Masters coming from Manhattan School of Music

Bijan Taghavi

JPS Instructor - Degree From Manhattan School of Music

Trent Briden

JPS Instructor - Degree From Manhattan School of Music

(This opportunity is absolutely priceless, but if you have to put a number to it...minimum would be a $1,997 value)


Black Friday 2022 Offer Summary

- Lifetime Access To The Full, 6 Stage, Success Path Curriculum

value $2,997

BONUS #1 - Lifetime Access To The JPS Lab

value $997

BONUS #2 - Lifetime Access To All Playbooks & Future Playbooks

value $970

BONUS #3 - Lifetime Access To All Specialty Courses & Future Specialty Courses

value $1,997

BONUS #4 - Practice Secrets Masterclass

value $997

BONUS #5 - Improvisation Bootcamp Masterclass

value $497

BONUS #6 - Lifetime Support, Education & JPS Community Access

value $1,997

Total Value = $10,452

What Does Being A JPS Lifetime Elite Member Mean?


This years Black Friday Offer gives you Lifetime Elite Status To Jazz Piano School...

Jazz Piano School Lifetime Elite Status is simple.

With our Black Friday Offer you Get Lifetime Access To EVERYTHING inside of Jazz Piano School and all the bonuses listed and...

Lifetime Access to EVERYTHING we release in the future completely free.

Make one small payment and NEVER pay again.

This also means Lifetime support from us.

Yes, that means you can ask us jazz piano questions for the REST of your life. Go ahead and bother us...I dare you 🙂

When People Implement Jazz Piano School Education They Get Results.

It really is...that simple.

So That Brought Up A Couple of Questions...

What PREVENTS people from implementing Jazz Piano School
materials and moving forward in their jazz piano education

How can we help you bust through the "blocks" so you're
experiencing more progress, growth, and faster results...in a lot less time?

That sent us on a quest, because we
kind of obsess about your results

And over the last year, we've actually paid thousands of dollars for TRAINING of our own to find out exactly how to provide the best possible membership experience to all of our members in order to turn those "want to succeed" members into super high achievers who actually get results. 

And here's the good news...

We found what we believe to be the needle movers. And we've added to the "experience" of Jazz Piano School again, and we're SUPER confident that this will produce even more results than ever before. 


Because for us, this is SO MUCH MORE than just "teaching" jazz piano.

This is about your results!

This is what drives our desire to continually
upgrade the Jazz Piano School Experience.

Will this work for me?

If you've read this far, then I know that you're serious but there could be a few thoughts of running through your mind.

Things like...

"I don't have enough time for something else."

This mom of two is finding time simply because Jazz Piano School is soooo easy to follow!

Check out what she has to say...

The last thing you and I want is something else on our todo list. That's where Jazz Piano School is unique. With years of experience teaching thousands of students in person and online, I KNOW what works for student success.
That's why the entire course has been intentionally structured to help you absorb the content and get you playing jazz piano fast.

And just like James Watson who is actually a composer and doing lots of other things as well, Jazz Piano School is "such a clear, structured and thought out lesson plan."
He actually has to FIGHT the urge to move on! 🙂

"How is this different from other online
Jazz Piano websites."

This is truly the ONLY online jazz piano website that gives you a complete, step-by-step educational curriculum to follow.  

The curriculum and materials inside Jazz Piano School aren't based off of a couple of lessons, or a couple of subjects here and there.

It's the accumulation of thousands of hours of schooling, teaching, troubleshooting, testing, and observation of jazz piano success. 

We provide a blueprint that is proven to work over and over again. This is why it is being used in colleges, universities, high schools, studios and homes through out the world. 

And don't forget...I actually used this system myself to teach myself jazz piano freedom and go on to have a fulfilling career as a professional jazz pianist.

"No matter how hard I try and learn I still can't put anything together to play the way I want."

I know you feel frustrated, discouraged, and overwhelmed by the journey that is jazz piano.

It's not easy!

Trust me when I say this...that's exactly how I felt for the first 10 years of my life.

Learning from the "Traditional Methods" of jazz education.

It's like trying to go through encyclopedia's yourself to learn American History. 

Pretty much near impossible without the right roadmap, plan and structure to order all the information for you. 

Thousands of other students have shared the same frustrations...but what they've found is that after joining Jazz Piano School they actually felt CONFIDENT. 

They knew what to learn and practice for the first time. This gave them momentum to push forward, and keep going on the right path to reach their dream. 

"I don't want this to take years of my life."

Me either! 

That's why the content in Jazz Piano School is designed to be as efficient and effective as possible.  Sarah has light bulb moments all the time when moving through our education!

Everything was developed to follow a perfected sequence of learning so that you can achieve your goal as quickly as possible as long as you're working through the materials. 

"No one will be available to help me if I start and then get stuck."

Amy found our support to be one of the highlights of Jazz Piano School. It helped her feel confident that she could do this!

Amy found our support to be one of the highlights of Jazz Piano School. It helped her feel confident that she could do this!

The best part about Jazz Piano School is we have trained college graduate "Progress Teachers" ALWAYS available to answer any of your questions whenever you want. 

You can ask them anything...at anytime...go ahead and bug us. We LOVE it!

And of course, yours truly is always available to help you as well. 🙂

"But there is already so much free jazz piano education available on the internet."

There is! And that's great!

It's always nice to pick up little nuggets here and there.

But let me ask you a question...how do you know what to learn first?

And how do you know what to learn second?

How do you know if that course you just bought on block chords is actually WHAT you need in this moment?

I'm sure you're interested in it, but is it actually helping you move forward to your primary goal?

And what voicing strategy is right for your level, or what improv elements you should be implementing at this current moment based off of what you've just learned?

The problem is, you don't really know if the information you're getting is RIGHT for where you are in YOUR journey.

Which is completely OKAY! 🙂 Because you're not the teacher.

You cannot TEACH yourself by watching youtube videos, reading articles and purchasing small courses you think are best for you.

This is exactly what Trevor did and listen to what he found out...

This is exactly why Jazz Piano School is the best.

It gives you a structured, clear, plan that will build your confidence, bring you happiness, and give you all the momentum you need to succeed and achieve your dream. 

So...what would it be worth to you if...

That's the opportunity I want to give you today.

15% of Your Enrollment Cost Goes Directly To "Save The Music to Give Kids The Gift of Music

"This is by far the best ONLINE jazz piano program I've ever seen."
Ron Rego
Jazz Piano School Lifetime Elite Member


At Jazz Piano School we have a FULL, 30-day money back guarantee even for this very special Black Friday offer of 2021. Our only mission is to help you achieve jazz piano freedom so if you are unsatisfied or unhappy in anyway, shape, or form, simply let us know and we will FULLY refund all of your money, no questions asked. 




Save $2,300 and get Lifetime Elite Access to everything we offer with our 2022 Black Friday Offer.

(Remember, we're only accepting 200 people and we don't want you to miss out.)



This offer valid for Black Friday 2022 only.

Lifetime Access To Our 6 Stage Success Path Curriculum

value $2,997

BONUS #1 - Lifetime Access To The JPS Lab Membership

value $997

BONUS #2 - Lifetime Access To All Playbook Courses and Mini Courses

value $970

BONUS #3 - Lifetime Access To All Current and Future Specialty Courses

value $1,997

BONUS #4 - Lifetime Access To the NEW Improvisation Mastery Specialty Course

value $1,997

BONUS #5 - Reserved Ticket To My LIVE 2 Week Bootcamp Masterclass. Access To Recordings for Life

value $997

BONUS #6 - Bonus Package - (Practice Secrets Masterclass, Improv Lego Blocks, 1000 Blues Reharms)

value $997

BONUS #7 - Lifetime Education, Support From JPS Staff, and Invitation Only Community Access

value $1,997

Total Value = $10,452

Our Lifetime Elite Membership costs $2,997 and doesn't include any bonuses.

(This rate is available and purchased through out the year.)

...with Today's Black Friday
Offer it's...

ONE Easy Payment of


(Save $2,300)




Lifetime Access to Everything, Lifetime Elite Status, all The Bonuses, and a Lifetime of Education Through Jazz Piano School

76% off our public price of $2,997, SAVE $2,300!

Black Friday 2022 Checkout

100% Money Back. No-Risk.

If you don't like our products over the next 30 days, then we will gladly refund your money. No questions asked!

This offer is a Black Friday Offer only. It is not offered, honored, or shown through out the year past the expiration time of the deal. Lifetime Elite Status will be full price at $2,997 with no bonuses after this offer expires.


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